NSS Camp 2020

NSS Camp 2020


National Service Scheme, a Seven days camp organized by Jain College from 3rd -9th Feb 2020 at ‘Sant Melage Marathi School’, Nandagad, Khanapur Taluk, Belagavi. 

Students of BBA, BCA and BCOM departments participated in the camp and worked for the development, cleanliness and maintenance of the school premises. They also conducted a Blood Donation camp, free health checkup for the localities of the village.


The Reviews about the virtual classes are provided by the students in the form of video.

BBA VIDEO bcabcom

         BBA                     BCA                 BCOM 

As the whole world is facing the effect of deadliest virus Corona, COVID-19 has also affected the educational system where students are facing difficulty in completing their education. To overcome this problem of students, we, the Faculties of Jain College have come up with the solution for the student’s welfare and learning.

ONLINE CLASSES AND e-LEARNING activities are promoted by the College in order to educate the students being at home. Students with doubts queries are encouraged and resolved with solution.

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